bean real baby

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“trinity nicole”  7 lbs. 2 oz.

our friend and fellow coffee beaner, beth has finally given birth.  we would like to bless their new family by providing a home cooked meal. if you would like to help please let me know by commenting here.

its that time of year again…


christmas parties

shopping, shopping, and more shopping!

decorating for christmas

listening to christmas music

shopping, shopping and more shopping!

sweets in every shape and size.

and right smack in the middle of it all… i get sick.

chubite michelle



“Excellence can be obtained if you:

…care more than others think is wise;

…risk more than others think is safe;

…dream more than others think is practical;

…expect more than others think is possible.


michelle you are an amazing woman. you have been marked for greatness. sandal chubites forever!